Twitter’s importance to the powerful is becoming obvious

To draw parallels between reality and George Orwell’s prophetic work Nineteen Eighty Four is often seen as hyperbolic. It’s a meme at this point, which is where things can become dangerous. Memery means potentially dire warnings are simply not heeded.

Nineteen Eighty Four posits that, in that world, nothing exists except an “endless present in which the Party is always right.”

And so it follows that the news of Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter has been met with dire news from certain circles, but more worryingly, with the watchful eye of the Government. No matter which way you cut it, the administration’s newly-created Disinformation Governance Board is a stark analogue to Nineteen Eighty Four’s Ministry of Truth.

I feel it is no coincidence that this creation has occurred just as Twitter announces that it’s ownership – and therefore it’s policies – are going to change. While this Government was happy to let Twitter run its business while it was managed by people more than willing to suppress wrongthink, it has sudden become concerned about the spread of “disinformation” when it appears that Twitter may relax some of its rules.

Which does make me ask, how much did the Government know about Twitter’s algorithms? How much do they know about the lengths Twitter goes to elevate some voices, while dialing down the reach of others’?

Bear in mind that nothing is known about how Musk plans on changing Twitter beyond allowing equal reach of voices, and making the algorithm open to all to see.

It appears that the Government is unwilling to wait and see how Musk runs Twitter, instead seeking to install itself as the arbiter of what should be allowed to be seen. An allower of “Truth”.

If this doesn’t concern you, regardless of the stripe of politics you hold, then I need to only repeat what I have stated a number of times on this very blog; how would you feel if you political opponent wielded that power? Would you want Donald Trump in charge of a “Disinformation Governance Board” or perhaps even a Ron De Santis? Because the creation of such a Board allows for the opportunity for your political opponents to obtain that power – and if you think your party can never lose an election, then you have zero business being involved in politics.

You must always consider that an expansion of power creates the chance for literally anyone to use it. Especially if you believe you are in a free country that democratically elects its leaders.

This reaction to the news of Musk’s Twitter takeover only shows that powerful people know the importance of the social media platform. Before, they had control – as evidenced by the quashing of the New York Post story on Hunter Biden’s laptop – but now that control has been lost, the powerful will find other ways to keep control of the “Truth.”

Twitter didn’t just share information. It created “Truth”.

And now the “Truth” is in the hands of the wrong person, so Twitter must be undermined as an authoritative source, and a new source of the “Truth” must be created.

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